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NEXT CONFERENCE SparkLabs DemoDay5_15 ("Dawn of the Robot Age" panel)

  • 카테고리 : 행사
  • 작성일 : 20160224
  • 조회수 : 188
작성자 : 교육 담당자

Robots have progressively moved from the big screen to research labs to the real world. The reality of Bishop from "Aliens" or Disney Pixar's Wall-E doesn't seem that far away. With over 10 million iRobot's products sold worldwide, Honda's long-standing investment into Asimo, Softbank's recent effort into Pepper, and the explosion of drones into the consumer market creates a feeling that we are at the dawn of an age where robots will be as commonplace as pets in our homes. The panel speakers are: Patrick Tresset (Scientist & Artist in the field of Robotics), Ian Bernstein (Co-founder and CTO of Sphero), Andra Keay (Managing Director of Silicon Valley Robotics) and moderated by Carl Wescott (Serial Entrepreneur, AI hobbyist and SparkLabs Mentor).